Bridget showed up to her session ready to rock and roll in this adorable white dress with these amazing red high heels. We started photographing in downtown Lowell where we were able to walk up and down their main street utilizing some of the beautiful buildings as our backdrops. She is just absolutely gorgeous!
After the downtown portion of her session was complete, we made our way over to the Wittenbach Agri Science Center. It is a gorgeous location that we love photographing. Every time I arrive at this location, mother nature is always different and giving us beautiful scenery. Not to mention we get to say hello to the variety of farm animals they have on-site. It’s such a great place and I highly suggest taking your family out to walk the trails! Bridget of course was crushing her senior session and I cannot wait for you all to scroll down and see for yourselves!

Thanks Bridget and family for a wonderful session! If you’d like more information on our Senior Portrait Experience, you can find it here.